Sue Ann, author of the bestselling memoir, Behind the Shades: a Female Secret Service Agent’s True Story, has crafted her message and her stories for twenty years. Her openness and sense of humor allow her to connect with audiences, motivating and inspiring people of all ages and genders. Sue Ann delivers impactful messages about seizing unexpected opportunities and overcoming fear.
As a key note speaker, Sue Ann can be the appetizer for your conference or be dessert for your organization’s dinner.
Sue Ann Baker is available as a speaker for these groups:
- Keynotes
- Women’s Organizations
- History Buffs
- Colleges and Commencements
- Law Enforcement Organizations

Speech Topics
See You On the Other Side of Fear
Audiences: Keynotes, Women’s leadership, Commencements
Get a Slice of History: A Delicious Entrée to the Clandestine World of the Secret Service
Audiences: Historical organizations, Keynotes, Fundraisers, Law enforcement
How to Shatter Your Personal Glass Ceiling: Put on Your Shades
Audiences: Schools & colleges, Keynotes, Women’s leadership, Law enforcement
Client List
AAUW (American Association of University Women) – Washington, DC
Douglas County Republican Women’s Club
National Honor Society Induction Ceremony – Keynote speaker
Oregon Medical Association – Portland, OR
Roseburg Executive Club – Roseburg, OR
Zonta District 8 (WA, OR, & AK) – Keynote speaker
Zonta International “Status of Women Dinner” – Keynote speaker
We are so grateful that you came to our meeting and gave us a colorful glimpse into the mysterious world of the Secret Service. Thank you for sharing your exploits as a young female agent. Your stories were engaging, enlightening, and entertaining.
~ PEO Chapter CU, Roseburg, Oregon
A very dynamic speaker, Sue Ann Baker tells a fascinating story of her rise from city cop to one of the first five women sworn in to America’s elite Secret Service. We look forward to reading her new book, Behind the Shades.
~ Lynn Naccarato, Epsilon Master, Beta Sigma Phi